Monday, September 29, 2008

Sarah Palin Really DID Say That!

So I generally try to watch very little television programming...but still heard about Sarah Palin's remarks about her foreign policy experience stemming from Alaska's proximity to Russia. Now believe me, I was in disbelief when I saw this. I immediately the rest of the country seeing the same interview I'm seeing? Then when she has the opportunity to correct herself...she just digs herself a deeper hole! Check it out, it's hard to believe people are taking this woman seriously.

You can look in her eyes and see what must be going through her head: "oh sh*t, I hope this works"


  1. Haha I'm glad you posted this, the whole interview showed why she is not qualified to be vice-president. She is definitely not gonna be ready for the debate this week with Joe Biden.

  2. aaaah Rastio has spoken...people of earth, to Rastio be praise!
