Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Movie Madness: Forgetting Sarah Marshall

So the other night I finally got some free time to go movie cruising. It's pretty self-explanatory, a time to catch up on old movies you wanted to see, but never got around to. I hit up TV-Links, was in the mood for some comedy and decided to check out Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Peep the trailer, and read the review after the teleport

The movie was hilarious...the type of funny that makes you turn your head away because you're embarrassed for the characters. You know it's good when the director just had box office comedy hits like 40 year Old Virgin and Superbad. It starred Jason Segal (who is weirdly similar to my boy Sam Strasser) a music producer for a hit CSI type show. Pretty much, his girl does him dirty and cheats on him, then he takes down (serves) mad joints to try and get over the pain, but to no avail. His broham advises he take a vacation to get away from everything...he heads to Hawaii, and suprisingly his ex-wifey is there with her new boyfriend...From the time he realizes this it's non stop laughter. Jonah Hill, the chubby guy from Superbad has a few scenes which were hysterical, but Mila Kunis stole the show. First let me say that Mila is by far one of the hottest girls I've ever seen with mini-butt syndrome. Her swagger and fun-loving kick-ass spirit made each scene more enjoyable. To all guys reading this...watch this movie purely because of Mila Kunis' performance. She's like that super chill girlfriend you only see in movies like this. Check it out

1 comment:

  1. Jonah keeps a smile on my face :-)I recently watched Knocked Up; I'm still surprised at how funny that was.

    This movie's being added to my Movies I Want To See list.
