Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sarah Palin Chronicles: Enough With The Bullsh*t

Enough is enough...all these people continue to be brainwashed by this Sarah Palin bullsh*t. No one even knows who the f*ck she is! This is truly a mockery of our political system...open your eyes people because it is just a system...only question is are you playing the system or getting played? Can anyone relate to Palin? How is she more of the focus of this campaign that McCain is?

On another note: Why are the Republican mediocre families viewed more favorably than the most accomplished Democratic ones?Barack Obama
§ Columbia and Harvard
§ wife -- Princeton and Harvard degrees w/ law firm and health care executive background
§ Adorable daughters so articulate they were criticized for being too mature for their ages.

John McCain
§ 5th from the bottom of his class
§ Admittance with help from father/grandfather admirals
§ Cheated repeatedly on first wife with Cindy!
§ Cindy a recovering pill addict
Sarah Palin
§ 5 colleges and six years to get a bachelor's degree
§ husband w/out a degree, used to be a Wal-mart concessions manager
§ Daughter pregnant by a self-proclaimed redneck who is also a h.s. dropout and drug abuser

you be the judge, not the media...united we stand...it's not just a saying!


  1. Its pathetic that people are letting themselves get brainwashed by this mess!

  2. There is also a video of a black kid who claims to be the father of Palin's daughter's unbirthed child. Go check it out.

  3. look at McCains pruned hands and short arms...what a shady old man
