Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tech Tuesday

I Want One!
So they've created a flying saucer, interesting, if you look closely, there is a crane in the background. But keep looking, there is too much slack in the crane cord for it to be suspended. Conclusion: the crane cord is a stabilizer in case the engine breaks mid-test run. So this guy is actually flying, pretty cool.

An Alcoholics Dream: Canoflauge
Just because you are stuck at work or school doesn't mean you can't get boozed up! Thanks to these canoflauge vinyl can wraps, you can discreetly hide your alcohol problem behind an "inconspicuous" soft drink facade. So the next time someone asks what you are drinking, you can say "who me, well Bob I'm drinking Risk, refreshing and healthy, can I have a raise?" Other covers include: Skunk Piss, Peski and Mt. Spew. The full set will run you back $5.89. I know a certain liq. head who would love these!

So What If You Got Tha Blade On You
Mind you, this isn't the first time we've seen garb constructed to withstand vicious knife fights, and apparently a few Japanese streets are becoming just as frightening as some in London. Reportedly created to provide protection against stabbers following an "increasing number of malicious crimes that have victimized children and late-night convenience store clerks," Nihon Uni has developed a t-shirt crafted from "ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene fiber." Aside from rendering blades useless, the material is also completely machine washable and lightweight; still, the fabric can be penetrated by "sharp points," so don't get hit by poison dart guns. Nevertheless, long-sleeved versions can be copped this June for ¥22,000 ($221) to ¥59,000 ($593), while the way less protective short-sleeved variety will run you between ¥19,000 ($191) and ¥52,000 ($522). Mine is in the mail!

Here's what the knife-proof shirt looks like... on this innocent model

Jeffrey, Folgers PleaseThis Kahva coffee maker designed by Lina Fischer is CRACK! For all of you who need a morning fix of eF and caffeine you'll love this work of art. Water in the glass chamber below is heated by an induction powered table station, the rising air pressure causes the water to flow upwards from the glass water chamber into the metal brewing unit. Once the coffee is ready, take it off the heat and the coffee will return through a filter into the Kahva's glass bottom via a vacuum that has been created by the cooling of the coffee maker. To pour, just turn the grip. Sounds like something Jean Luc Picard used, so here's proof check the diagram below.
Touch me Tease meThe recently released Samsung SCH-W420/W4200, has been thought be some to be the “iPhone killer”. It’s real name however is the Anycall Haptic. This 3.2” touchscreen handset features a fully customizable desktop builder, and a terrestrial broadcast TV receiver! Going for about $700 to $800 and first being released in Korea…we cant wait for this one to hit the U.S. Team eF company phones perhaps? Leave a comment in support for our fearless leador to see! Cool commercial after the jump.

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