Monday, March 24, 2008

iPhone Video Chat Feature!

Sure, Kevin Rose might not have the best track record when it comes to iPhone predictions. But the Digg founder has some new inside sources and they're feeding him some pretty reasonable info.

On a recent segment of his Podcast show "Diggnation," Rose said that part of the reason Apple is preventing third-party devs from authoring applications that run in both the foreground and background is because the company is reserving that privilege for its own apps. Specifically, Rose's sources say that Apple is working on new mobile iChat application that will be available on all second generation 3-G iPhones, due out in a few months. As you might expect, this new version of the phone will come with two digital cameras, one on the front side hidden behind the transparent touch-screen, and a second one on the back of the handset as it exists today.

According to Rose's sources, this front-mounted cam will give users the ability to do a little video conferencing via AT&T's high-speed 3-G wireless network with other computer-based iChat users, as well as other second-generation iPhone owners. Sounds feasible to us.

[Via AppleInsider]

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