Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Walls of Jericho!!!

Last year's inaugural season of "Jericho" ended with a double cliffhanger. Would the show survive and if it did, could the good-guy characters save America?

CBS answered the first question in the affirmative, after fans showered the network with thousands of bags of peanuts as a gesture of support, and tonight's second-season opener says CBS made the right call: A good show has stayed good and in some ways even gotten better.

Would that the America portrayed in "Jericho," or what remains of that America, could be so easily restored.

For those just tuning in - and it is possible to pick up this show in midstory - Jericho is a little Kansas town whose small-town dramas become larger after nuclear blasts cripple 23 cities.

Those who weren't toasted are now trying to put a country back together. A couple of countries, actually. Some are honorable. Others are trying to institute a de facto dictatorship under the thin guise of promoting national security in a time of crisis.

Pretty much, this is one of the most official television programs imaginable. Jericho can definitely hang in there with LOST.

1 comment:

  1. I posted a link and summary in our Jericho news archive.

