Monday, February 25, 2008

Not Quite A Recession, Not Quite Growth Either

The U.S. economy will likely avoid a recession but growth will slow to a crawl during the first half of this year, a panel of business economists forecast on Monday.

Among the panel of 49 National Association for Business Economics economists surveyed between January 25 and February 13, about 45 percent said they believe a recession will have occurred by the end of this year. But most believe it will be short and shallow.

The remaining 55 percent said a downturn will be relatively muted.

"U.S. economic growth is expected to slow to a crawl in the first half of 2008," said Ellen Hughes-Cromwick, NABE president and chief economist at Ford Motor Company.

click here for full story: Economy to skirt recession, but growth said to crawl

Feels like a recession to me, it was reported that it will be nearly 40% harder for our generation to get jobs in the US. Your best bet is learning a language ad going global! Let's just hope Obama gets in there and changes things for the better.

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