Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Expressive Froniter 08' Is Our Year!

Brennan and Brandon here. We wanted to let you know about our company Expressive Frontier. Well, we started back in late 2003 after being friends since we were little kids. We both had a passion for business and the entrepreneurial spirit,so we thought of ways to make money while still being able to go to highschool. We figured web-design was the most interesting and pursuable way to generate income. After that we came up with the idea for 2bdesign.com and formed Expressive Frontier Corp to make it happen. This all started out as a way for us to have spending money in high school. We love coming up with innovative ideas and then using our business savvy to turn vision into value. The added plus is that people can enjoy and benefit from using our services. We tried doing web development client work for a while but we decided to just keep coming up with serious ideas of our own and focusing our attention on them. We hope you have fun checking out our current or upcoming projects. Don't forget to check out "The Crew" section, we've got a lot of cool, interesting people working with us that deserve your attention.


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